• About Sourcez

    ing. R.N.M. (Robert) Haans
    After graduating in Computer Sciences at the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences in 1995, Robert started back in the nineties as a developer working in the area of Microsoft Office automation. In the following 25 years, as Microsoft became a formidable technology partner and the internet matured as a cloud platform, he was able to develop himself to an expert high end cloud developer, architect and consultant. Being involved with a large variety of organizations and projects he developed a strong vision on the correct way to develop software and how it should be imbedded in your organization. And also how software development should NOT be done. So he cannot only use state of the art Microsoft technology like the Azure platform and develop cloud based software, but he also has expert skills in automated software quality management, automated deployment and delivery and setting up complex (cloud based) enterprise architectures or microservice architectures. This he combines with excellent communication skills and the ability to translate complex technical designs and concepts to business value and explain this to stakeholders.

    Employability examples:

    • Advanced Microsoft technology software development for high end cloud based Azure systems with high traffic high availability demands
    • Your software needs automated testing and automated quality control (TDD,ATDD BDD) but you need someone to set this up for your organization and (cloud) software or you need your personnel to be trained to use such techniques.
    • You need to migrate your software to a new platform, technology and/or architecture. So for instance you have old legacy software that needs to be migrated to a new technology and you need scenarios, expertise and a tech lead
    • Your development is too ad hoc and your team needs a tech lead or architect to be able to increase software quality
    • Your teams are working on a monolithic software system and you need to separate the domain and complex storage into microservices, allowing the teams and deployment lifecycle to become more independent

  • Curriculum Vitae

    Send an email requesting the latest 2020 version of the CV/resume
    Mail to : info@sourcez.nl

  • Contact

    ing. R.N.M. (Robert) Haans
    Senior Software Developer/Architect/Consultant

    LinkedIn: LinkedIn 'Robert Haans'

    Mail: robert@sourcez.nl


    For general terms and conditions please click here.

    Robert Haans